
Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley
Posted: Nov 25, 2019
Last activity: Nov 25, 2019
Last activity: 25 Nov 2019 3:05 EST
Questions on Service Requestor Pooling
Have a few queries on the pooling:
- I have setup a simple rest service in a stateful service package. The service returns an increment of a value on every call. When I cleared the requestor pool I expected the value to reset since a new requestor would pick the request. But to my surprise the value was not reset and the same requestor was picking the request again and again. My question is does clearing the requestor pool NOT kill all the requestors in it?
- What will happen to inflight requests if we clear the pool while some requestor is processing a request
- How do I check the operator id’s which are part of a service pool, just to trace.
- While the request is being processed I expected the active count in the requestor pool to increase by 1. However the count did not increase and the count remained same and that too it said one requestor is idle. Any idea on this behavior?
- My rest service activity has a wait method with around 10 seconds wait time. Despite setting the maximum active requestor count to one and max wait time to one in stateful service package the sessions did not timeout on multiple simultaneous hits. I thought I would receive some kind of timeout error.