
Questions about MSP's UserRole.
①Security Contactの権限が受信するアラートの詳細な内容はどのようなものか。
②Proactive Incident Contactの権限を持つアカウントのみ受信するアラートはどのような内容か。※具体例も踏まえて教えていただきたいです。
③Cloud Deployment specialistとSupport Administratorの差分は他のアカウントにRoleを割り当てを変更できる点のみか。
※Support Administratorは管理者メンバにしか権限付与しないべき等
I have four questions about MSP's UserRole.
(1) What are the details of alerts received by the Security Contact authority?
※We would like to know the details with specific examples.
(2) What are the details of alerts that only accounts with the authority of Proactive Incident Contact receive?
※We would like to know the details with specific examples.
(3)The only difference between Cloud Deployment specialist and Support Administrator is the ability to change Role assignments to other accounts.
(4) When granting 6 privileges of UserRole to business partners and administrator members, is there a guideline for the allocation?
(e.g. Support Administrator should only grant privileges to administrator members, etc.)
Please answer the above four questions.