
Last activity: 15 Aug 2016 11:36 EDT
Question on Data Page at FW and Impl layers
Hi Team
I have a datapage say D_LoadStates(at fw level class and fw ruleset) created as node level. Now I have two implementations say US and India. I have saved the node level data page in two implementation classes and rulesets say (MyCO-Ind-Work and MyCOInd ruleset and same for US also.). Now question is if my application is running on same node for multiple implementations, and user from US referred this data page and it got loaded. Now how this will behave for User from India since this is a node level data page will it load properly?
FYI: I have customized logic implementation specific in my DP activity to fetch states for two different countires. Also if I use Parameters option for DP I am aware it will work.