
Virtusa Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
Last activity: 15 Jun 2020 4:16 EDT
pyCaseContents Section
Hi Team,
I was trying to customize the perform harness for one of the case type. So i needed to embed the pyCaseContents section into it. Whenever i try to open that section i am getting the following exception.
Unable to open instance $ANY!PYCASECONTENTDETAILS - Possible causes may be
(1) Rule may no longer exist.
(2) Availability of the rule may be set to No/Draft, Blocked or Withdrawn.
(3) Circumstance of the rule may be preventing access.
(4) Current date is not within the date range specified in the rule.
(5) Access group or role may not have the appropriate privileges to open the rule.
What can i follow to eliminate this exception and achieve my configuration?
I am using VMWare Pega CSA v8.
***Edited by Moderator Kayla to update Product to Pega Academy; update platform capability tags***