
Stratosphere Consulting
Last activity: 7 May 2021 13:56 EDT
pxSessionTimer Timeout Redirect Not Working on Mobile IOS
We have a requirement to implement pxSessionTimer for both the mobile and desktop versions of our application. Attached is the full code on how our pxSessionTimer has been customized. This implementation works on desktop, but on mobile the logout occurs, but redirect to login screen does not happen. If anyone has an suggestions on how to go forward with this issue it would be very appreciated!
Here is a list of things that I have tried:
1) Using the ootb pxSessionTimer : including this base section doesn't make a timer appear
2) Using the same method that works on desktop on mobile, pega.u.d.replace('pyActivity=LogOff&pzPrimaryPageName=pyDisplayHarness', null); : this does no action and does not call the LogOff activity on mobile
3) Attempt to refresh the screen after logout : this loads the whole URL and provides the unauthenticated blue screen
4) Attempt to add a html tag to web-session-redirect: this does no action, but it is possible I implemented it incorrectly
Here is the snippet of code that handles our logout/redirect for both desktop and mobile, attached is the full HTML code:
We have a requirement to implement pxSessionTimer for both the mobile and desktop versions of our application. Attached is the full code on how our pxSessionTimer has been customized. This implementation works on desktop, but on mobile the logout occurs, but redirect to login screen does not happen. If anyone has an suggestions on how to go forward with this issue it would be very appreciated!
Here is a list of things that I have tried:
1) Using the ootb pxSessionTimer : including this base section doesn't make a timer appear
2) Using the same method that works on desktop on mobile, pega.u.d.replace('pyActivity=LogOff&pzPrimaryPageName=pyDisplayHarness', null); : this does no action and does not call the LogOff activity on mobile
3) Attempt to refresh the screen after logout : this loads the whole URL and provides the unauthenticated blue screen
4) Attempt to add a html tag to web-session-redirect: this does no action, but it is possible I implemented it incorrectly
Here is the snippet of code that handles our logout/redirect for both desktop and mobile, attached is the full HTML code:
showJqueryModalDialog(oSafeURL,iTime, 210, 420, function(ret){ if (ret != "timeout") { console.log("calling desktop_restartTimeoutWarningTimer from OK response from modal"); desktop_restartTimeoutWarningTimer(); } else { pega.u.d.gDirtyOverride = false; if(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)){ var oneUrl = new SafeURL("@baseclass.LogOff"); var oneRequest = pega.u.d.asyncRequest('GET',oneUrl); } else { pega.u.d.replace('pyActivity=LogOff&pzPrimaryPageName=pyDisplayHarness', null); } }