prpcServiceUtils - updateAccessGroup Not Functioning
While performing SSA v7.2.1 Course - Ex: Creating a new application version, I started wondering how you could bulk update all of the app's Access Groups to point to the new version. I found the following Help article "Updating access groups from the command line" at the link below.
- Pega 7.2.2 Online Help Link: mgmt/command line tool/sm-prpcServiceUtils-update-access-group-tsk.htm%3FTocPath%3DSystem%2520management%7CService-enabled%2520system%2520management%7C_____7
The help article suggests downloading and using the tool "prpcServiceUtils" and specifying values in the properties for "updateAccessGroup" (my example is listed below). Upon downloading the tool, I configured the files and
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While performing SSA v7.2.1 Course - Ex: Creating a new application version, I started wondering how you could bulk update all of the app's Access Groups to point to the new version. I found the following Help article "Updating access groups from the command line" at the link below.
- Pega 7.2.2 Online Help Link: mgmt/command line tool/sm-prpcServiceUtils-update-access-group-tsk.htm%3FTocPath%3DSystem%2520management%7CService-enabled%2520system%2520management%7C_____7
The help article suggests downloading and using the tool "prpcServiceUtils" and specifying values in the properties for "updateAccessGroup" (my example is listed below). Upon downloading the tool, I configured the files and I noticed that the following properties were missing from the file, so I added them below the property "user.temp.dir=". I then copied the entire tool package to the SSA VM and applied the necessary permissions.
- updateAccessGroup.applicationName=HRApps
- updateAccessGroup.applicationVersion=01.01.02
- updateAccessGroup.groupList=HRApps:Administrators, HRApps:Authors
Upon execution using the command from the Help article (./ updateaccessgroup), it reports the error below. Based on these findings, it appears that the tool does not support updating access groups as documented, unless I'm doing something incorrectly.
- Tool Error: Unknown tool type updateaccessgroup
- export | expose | hotfix |import | getStatus | manageTrackedData | help [options...]
- Remote Configuration Command-line Tool (prpcServiceUtils):
Thank you for any assistance or direction you can provide.
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