
JP Morgan
Last activity: 27 Jan 2016 8:20 EST
PRPC62sp2: file upload above 15 MB throws "500 Internal Server error"
Hi Team,
User has a requirement of attaching file upto 50MB.
We have set the same in PRConfig.xml (initialization/maximumfileuploadsizemb). However when user uploads a document above 15MB he observes "500 Internal server error".
Does any one have idea on this?
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Updated: 15 Jan 2016 8:04 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Abdul,
There could be limits imposed by layers before PRPC, Web Server or Web Application server. For example the WebSphere IHS Web Server has a setting PostSizeLimit in the plug-in configuration that will limit the file upload size.

JP Morgan
Thanks for your response Chris.
Let me check with my middle ware on your advice.

JP Morgan
Hi Chris,
The limit on our server WAS7 is set to:
PostSizeLimit="-1" by default.
What could we infer from this?

-1 is usually means no limit in the world of programming. Are you using any content management system to store the files?

JP Morgan

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Abdul,
How are you?
Can you check if its timing out on browser side but getting successfully uploaded at server side?
Updated: 16 Jan 2016 14:46 EST

JP Morgan
Hi Mallav,
I'm doing great. Hope things are fine with you as well.
Thanks for you suggestion. It actually was a nice point. I tried attaching the file of 25 MB on UI I could observe "Internal server error" however when I closed and reopened the work object the file was attached to the WO.
Attaching the fiddler trace for reference.
Is there a browser session time out we can tweak in PRPC? If yes please help me with the same.
Thanks in advance !!
Note: This is a siteminder enabled environment. !

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Abdul,
It can be handle at IE browser level.
Kindly review following KB from Microsoft, check the way in fix by myself section:

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Abdul,
Did you apply the suggestions suggested in above Microsoft link?
Do you still see this issue post changes?