properties in abstract class
Where are the properties created in abstract class stored?
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Where are the properties created in abstract class stored?
Accepted Solution
Hi Baigh,
Thanks, my question is where in database is stored a property defined in System-Queue- that is before being used by a concrete class System-Queue-DefaultEntry. is it stored somewhere originally when being created as a property of abstract class?
Hi Dyan,
The concreate class who will be implementing the abstract class will store the properties values.
Hope this helps.
Hi Dyan,
The instances for the concrete class stores the values for the properties created in the abstact class
If you are asking from,
UI perspective - The property created applied to an abstract class will be visible under Data Model category of the same abstract class.
DB perspective - The concrete class derived from abstract class will be mapped to a DB table and can access all properties of abstract class. The DB table mapped to concrete class will hold property values set for each instance specifically.
For example System-Queue- is an abstract class and has all the properties defined in Data Model category which can be used by the concrete classes derived from System-Queue- like System-Queue-DefaultEntry.
More specifically scalar property (as in normal property) values will be stored in BLOB column of the instance created for the concrete class in DB, which can be optimized by either creating a column in same DB table and run prpcUtils.bat or run optimize for filtering wizard which will do all. For Embedded property (eg. property inside pagelist) a declare index rule, indexing class will be created which will be mapped to an pr_index table.
Accepted Solution
Hi Baigh,
Thanks, my question is where in database is stored a property defined in System-Queue- that is before being used by a concrete class System-Queue-DefaultEntry. is it stored somewhere originally when being created as a property of abstract class?
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