Progressive Paging and load times
How exactly does progressive paging work? I assume that the design principles are that the initial load should be pretty fast-- i.e., a matter of seconds, and, faster than a comparative load of the whole set of data.
On a v6.2 application, we found something a little strange -- given a dataset of ~4000 rows, in a progressive paging of showing initial 18, the HTML generated actually renders a table with the 18 rows plus 4000 empty <TR> rows -- which are to be filled in upon scrolling. That significantly slows down the browser, to the point that is takes 10s of seconds to make further HTTP requests to complete rendering the page. (Also, this problem just seemed to start recently.)
Is this how it is supposed to work in v6.2? Anyone aware if the design is changed in v6.3 / v7.1?
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