
Last activity: 7 Dec 2015 0:44 EST
PegaCS 7.1.4 jar import error
I am getting the following errors while importing the CustomerService_714.jar:
PegaRULES:07.10] (rnal.archive.ApplicationBundle) ERROR [email protected]
- ALTER TABLE DATA.pca_work MODIFY pyurgencyadjustment NUMBER (18, 0)
I had installed PegaCPM 7.1R2 and now I am trying to import the CustomerService_714.jar.
I have dropped the CPM objects table.
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Accepted Solution

Hey, the error got resolved. I manually changed the column type in the PCA_Work table.

Pegasystems Inc.
what base prpc version are you running against? database platform? Also include the complete error stack, which normally will lead you to the root cause.

Hi Kevin,
I am using the PRPC v7.1.9 and Oracle database 12c. In my opinion, when I import the jar, it is not able to write to the column pyurgencyadjustment which is present in the pca_work table inside the DATA schema. Actually Administrator should have the complete access, but don't know why its prohibiting to modify that table.

Pegasystems Inc.
Is it because your pca_work not empty at the time of importing? Can you check? This way we know if it is the permission issue or not.

Thanks Kevin Zheng, I would check the same. Meanwhile, just want to add a point to the discussion. I am also not getting the below screen which authorizes PRPC to make changes to the schema.
Is this the root cause for the error. If yes, then please provide a solution.
Thanks in advance

Pegasystems Inc.
this does look like a permission setup issue. Getting to this screen does not really guarantee import success. You either configure an Admin datasource as defined here: (check similar guides for other app servers), which will let you import automatically (as you have shown here). Or you choose manual and generate the DDL, asking your DBA execute the script before you try import again.

Yes you are correct pca_work is not empty while importing of the jar.

Pegasystems Inc.
in that case, simply truncate the table and reimport. The permission issue is independent of this. You would have seen something like 'you do not have privilege...' Oracle error if that is the case.
Accepted Solution

Hey, the error got resolved. I manually changed the column type in the PCA_Work table.