
Last activity: 15 Sep 2018 12:17 EDT
Pega7 and RPA
Hi everyone
Ive been doing associating pega platform with pega robotics studio.
and I have got some exceptions.
please find attachment.
Thanks a lot.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Have you made sure that the connection string is correct?

Where can I check connection string
I unchecked Require TLS/SSL for REST services in this package but
Pega still throwing me forbidden error 403.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you check the port number in designer studio [Records->DynamicSystemSettings>pegarobotics/runtime/DesktoproboticsURL].
It should be the same as your RunTimeconfig.xml. Make sure the configurations are correct.

I checked port number in pega designer and port has set as "" which is same as my runtimeconfig.xml.
Also found out below error message.
I checked port number in pega designer and port has set as "" which is same as my runtimeconfig.xml.
Also found out below error message.
2018-08-30 19:44:53,374 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] [TABTHREAD7] [
] [ Robot1:01.01.01] (dSkillsCount._baseclass.Action) ERROR localhost|0:0:0
:0:0:0:0:1 Operator@xxxx - Query:SELECT COUNT(*) as TOTAL FROM {CLASS:Assig
n-Workbasket} WHERE pxRequiredSkillsCount IS NULL
2018-08-30 19:45:03,788 [http-nio-8080-exec-3] [TABTHREAD7] [
] [ Robot1:01.01.01] ( internal.mgmt.Executable) ERROR localhost|0:0:0
:0:0:0:0:1 Operator@xxxx - Action name not specified for execution.
2018-08-30 19:45:04,557 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] [TABTHREAD7] [
] [ Robot1:01.01.01] ( mgmt.base.ThreadUITransaction) ERROR localhost|0:0:0
:0:0:0:0:1 Operator@xxxx - ERROR: posted transaction id 'b19cfa9550fbd8c539
f91727084d2ae6' for frame 'pyWorkPage' DOES NOT match record '76f3089bb9b039281d
2018-08-30 19:47:25,353 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] [TABTHREAD5] [
] [ Robot1:01.01.01] (rnal.mgmt.InitialConfiguration) INFO localhost|0:0:0
:0:0:0:0:1 Operator@xxxx - Servlet classes: C:\PRPCPersonalEdition\tomcat\l
2018-08-30 19:47:25,353 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] [TABTHREAD5] [
] [ Robot1:01.01.01] (rnal.mgmt.InitialConfiguration) INFO localhost|0:0:0
:0:0:0:0:1 Operator@xxxx - JSP classes: C:\PRPCPersonalEdition\tomcat\l
2018-08-30 19:47:25,353 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] [TABTHREAD5] [
] [ Robot1:01.01.01] (rnal.mgmt.InitialConfiguration) INFO localhost|0:0:0
:0:0:0:0:1 Operator@xxxx - EJB classes: (none)
2018-08-30 19:47:25,353 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] [TABTHREAD5] [
] [ Robot1:01.01.01] (rnal.mgmt.InitialConfiguration) INFO localhost|0:0:0
:0:0:0:0:1 Operator@xxxx - JMS classes: (none)
2018-08-30 19:48:41,286 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] [TABTHREAD6] [
] [ Robot1:01.01.01] ( internal.mgmt.Executable) ERROR localhost|0:0:0
:0:0:0:0:1 Operator@xxxx - Action name not specified for execution.
2018-08-30 19:48:41,919 [http-nio-8080-exec-5] [TABTHREAD6] [
] [ Robot1:01.01.01] ( mgmt.base.ThreadUITransaction) ERROR localhost|0:0:0
:0:0:0:0:1 Operator@xxxx - ERROR: posted transaction id 'a5611f7875ebed1d4b
0a4cef6c78c345' for frame 'pyWorkPage' DOES NOT match record '21df83c7ff077384f4

Pegasystems Inc.
Have you created any automation which will Invoke the Robotic Activity and help you integrate with Pega. ?
If not then create one. and if you already have one then make sure the Activity Name and the Class name should be correct.
You can also refer this post if it helps
Ali Sabry Ashroff

Thank you for replying.
I created another automation and Activity Name and Class name are correct.
had a look at the post you told me but error still keep occuring
I think my situation is almost same as below person...
pega occuring same error and status changed to stopped as soon as refresh the page.
Here are another images.

Pegasystems Inc.
Have you tried deleting the operator ID ( that gets automatically created when you start the openspan runtime and it should be with the name of your system).
Delete that operator ID and then start the runtime again and then check your robot if it is running or not.
This step helped me in registering my robot.
You can refer this
Hope this helps you.

Hi ,
As you told me I deleted my operator id on robot Manager cause I had no idea where to delete it.
(my user account is also deleted. When deleting operator id, does user account deleted as well ?)
I started runtime and Robot was still failing registration. ( this is because i deleted the user account?)
and then i tried to create Operator id calling AddNewoperatorRecord but pega gave me an error again...
It's kind of difficult for me ... : (

Pegasystems Inc.
Sorry that you are facing issues.
I guess you have deleted the Admin account from which you login to your Pega Designer studio.
If any of your colleague have the same kind of admin account you can create new operator id and rulesets by taking reference from them.
open your Pega designer studio-> go to Records -> Organisation->Operator ID
a list of operators will be displayed where you can see an operator ID with your computer's name (if you are running the robot from your system)
You can find your Computer's name from
right click on This PC-> Properties -> You will find your Computer name there
For creating operator Id
you will find one option at top of Pega Designer studio "Create"
go to Create -> Organisation-> Operator Id
Robert Malone

Hi I deleted existing operator id except mine and it seems robot started to register a new robot.
But it did not work again.
I have got following errors.
<Runtime Log>
Error requesting data from Pega. http://localhost:8080/prweb/PRRestService/robotics/v1/register
Code: InternalServerError(500), Content: RoboticsService.RegisterRobot - Failed to register robot.
<Pega Rules>
1. Robot registration started....
Registering the robot for the first time
Fetching the Dynamic System Setting to validate the precedence...
Payload workgroup takes precedence than decision table...
Validating payload workgroup...
Registering robot to workgroup: WorkGroup
Robot registration failed : Found an empty accessgroup for the WorkGroup, WorkGroup, while registering robot DESKTOP_xxx
2. Action name not specified for execution.
Thank you