pega validation
I want to apply validation for DOB field 17y < Age < 81y, how can I do that?
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I want to apply validation for DOB field 17y < Age < 81y, how can I do that?
Accepted Solution
@sahanc38 If you want to validate based on given date of birth and not age then use a validate rule and then select expression and use below expression
@DateTimeDifference(@dateValue(.DateOfBirth),@dateValue(@today()),"Y") and then check for the value if its less than 17 or greater than 81.
Hope this helps.
@sahanc38 oh yes I missed DOB in the question. do as Santosh said
@DateTimeDifference(@dateValue(.DateOfBirth),@dateValue(@today()),"Y") and then check for the value if its less than 17 or greater than 81.
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