Pega url after enabling SSL/TLS on app server doesnt work without hashed session id in url
Hi - Can some one please help me resolve the issue which I am facing after importing SSL/TLS certificates and performing other configuration on app server.
Now I can access my pega using url :*/!STANDARD
but I can not access pega using this url(without hashed requestor id in the url) When I enter this url in my browser it seems trying to connect to server but after a minutes is shows "This page can't be displayed" error in IE browser instead of pega login screen in IE11.
I need to make sure that this url ( works without any session id in the url. So am I missing something in configuration?
My application details are as below:
Pega v7.1.5
Pega's native form based authentication(no custom authentication)
Hi - Can some one please help me resolve the issue which I am facing after importing SSL/TLS certificates and performing other configuration on app server.
Now I can access my pega using url :*/!STANDARD
but I can not access pega using this url(without hashed requestor id in the url) When I enter this url in my browser it seems trying to connect to server but after a minutes is shows "This page can't be displayed" error in IE browser instead of pega login screen in IE11.
I need to make sure that this url ( works without any session id in the url. So am I missing something in configuration?
My application details are as below:
Pega v7.1.5
Pega's native form based authentication(no custom authentication)
TLS 1.2 on weblogic app server