Pega support for aws signature version 4
Does pega provide any OOTB rules to calculate the signature used in aws signature version 4?. I am trying to put data to a S3 bucket using REST.
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Does pega provide any OOTB rules to calculate the signature used in aws signature version 4?. I am trying to put data to a S3 bucket using REST.
Not aware of any OOTB rules although there is plenty of sample code over the public domain. e.g.,
Since this post is over a year, I just wanted to check to see if there is something new done regarding the AWS Signer to make it OOTB?
I have the similar requirement where our application need to connect to AWS API gateway using AWS IAM authentication for S3 service. Could you please elaborate in detail the sequence of steps that need to be performed in PEGA to connect to AWS API gateway using AWS signature. I have established the connection via postman for this requirement.
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