Last activity: 10 Jan 2019 15:52 EST
Pega SLA not processing expired Items
Hi All
We have a process which puts cases in work basket . The cases waits in the work bask for a time. Once the wait expires the the case comes out of workbasket and further processing works.
We use an SLA rule with the work basket to perform this activity. This functionality is running for the last 3 years. From last moth we observed few cases (5% approx) still remains in the workbasket even if wait end date is reached.
We found the faulty cases do not have a queue entry in the pega queue table.
We also found if we open one faulty case and update the wait end date time with a flow action , pega makes a new queue item and process works like a charm. Hence we concluded its not a case data issue but an infra issue.
Can any one guide me how to find and resolve the root cause of the issue.
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***