
Auto-owners Insurance
Last activity: 31 Mar 2017 10:59 EDT
PEGA-Rules Inconsistancies
We have two AES environments: Prod AES monitors and Test AES . We recently updated the location where temp data (such as the extract marker) is stored for Prod AES. Afterwards, we began noticing that the SystemCleaner agent entry was failing in Prod AES. We resolved this by having SystemCleaner run at 3:00am instead of 12:00am. (I believe we were having the same issue as described here: While looking at SystemCleaner, I noticed that PEGA-Rules had inconsistencies between the agent, the Prod AES agent-schedule, and the Test AES agent-schedule. I am hoping that somone could provide insight on how the Prod AES and Test AES agent-schedules should be setup.
• SystemCleaner: Enabled, Run at 12:00am every weekday
• SystemPulse: Enabled, Run every 60 seconds
• SystemIndexer: Enabled, Run every 60 seconds
• RuleUsageSnapshot: Enabled, Run at 1:00am every weekday
• StaticContentCleaner: Disabled, Run every 3600 seconds
• SystemWorkIndexer: Disabled, Run every 60 seconds
Test AES Agent Schedule
• SystemCleaner: Enabled, Run every 86400 seconds (ran at 3:11am last)
• SystemPulse: Enabled, Run every 60 seconds
• SystemIndexer: Enabled, Run every 60 seconds
• RuleUsageSnapshot: Enabled, Run every 86400 seconds (ran at 3:10am last)
• StaticContentCleaner: Disabled, Run every 3600 seconds
• SystemWorkIndexer: Disabled, Run every 60 seconds
Prod AES Agent Schedule
We have two AES environments: Prod AES monitors and Test AES . We recently updated the location where temp data (such as the extract marker) is stored for Prod AES. Afterwards, we began noticing that the SystemCleaner agent entry was failing in Prod AES. We resolved this by having SystemCleaner run at 3:00am instead of 12:00am. (I believe we were having the same issue as described here: While looking at SystemCleaner, I noticed that PEGA-Rules had inconsistencies between the agent, the Prod AES agent-schedule, and the Test AES agent-schedule. I am hoping that somone could provide insight on how the Prod AES and Test AES agent-schedules should be setup.
• SystemCleaner: Enabled, Run at 12:00am every weekday
• SystemPulse: Enabled, Run every 60 seconds
• SystemIndexer: Enabled, Run every 60 seconds
• RuleUsageSnapshot: Enabled, Run at 1:00am every weekday
• StaticContentCleaner: Disabled, Run every 3600 seconds
• SystemWorkIndexer: Disabled, Run every 60 seconds
Test AES Agent Schedule
• SystemCleaner: Enabled, Run every 86400 seconds (ran at 3:11am last)
• SystemPulse: Enabled, Run every 60 seconds
• SystemIndexer: Enabled, Run every 60 seconds
• RuleUsageSnapshot: Enabled, Run every 86400 seconds (ran at 3:10am last)
• StaticContentCleaner: Disabled, Run every 3600 seconds
• SystemWorkIndexer: Disabled, Run every 60 seconds
Prod AES Agent Schedule
• SystemCleaner: Enabled, Run at 3:00am every weekday
• SystemPulse: Enabled, Run every 60 seconds
• SystemIndexer: Enabled, Run every 60 seconds
• RuleUsageSnapshot: Enabled, Run at 1:00am every weekday
• StaticContentCleaner: Disabled, Run every 3600 seconds
• SystemWorkIndexer: Enabled, Run every 60 seconds
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Updated Categories***