Last activity: 16 Mar 2017 7:26 EDT
Pega Robotics Source Coding Practices..
I'm getting push back from some developers (who will remain nameless) that I'm setting a standard for coding practices using Pega Robotics Studio v8 too high.
For example: My belief is that comment blocks in code are a good thing and valuable to add many useful blocks, vs a few or none. Pushback is that one doesn't need comments because it's a more visual interface...
Another example would be the complexity & size of an activity/function. How many is too many functions to add into one routine... For the image below, without reading code (too small anyways) does it look complicated or not, and is the one comment at the bottom. would this be enough?
Are there standards for good coding standards.. I know there are file structure examples, but what about good code?
Any input is appreciated.