
Last activity: 13 Sep 2017 17:47 EDT
Pega REST Service Issue accepting/mapping the attachment when Payload is configured as JSON. Works good when payload is XML
In case of Pega SOAP Service, if we send the file as an attachment from SoapUI, Pega process the request and will create OOTB pyRequestAttachmentPage clipboard page of class Data-ServiceMessage. I believe the content-type in the case is either Multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed. I believe that the attachment is sent in binary form using MTOM mechanism or SOAP with attachments as expalined in below article.
I could able to implement the same above explained thing in Pega REST Service when the payload is given as XML. Unfortunately, I encountered mapping error , when I tried to implement the above (sending file attachment with request) in Pega REST service with JSON Payload.
Tried to configure the Request Header of REST Service as Content-Type=Multipart/form-data. But no luck.
Do we need to configure the Service Rule anything different or do we have any limitation in pega with JSON payload?