
Last activity: 12 Apr 2021 23:00 EDT
PEGA PRPC 6.2 SP2 active x compatibility issue with Win 10 and Visio 2016.
We are supporting a Web application developed on PEGA PRPC 6.2 SP2, We were using PEGA Active X for designer studio and Win 7 and MS office 2010 (Visio 2010) for development and enhancement in the application. Now that the Win 7 support is over, we have migrated to Win 10. We are facing below issue after installing the same PEGA Active X to Win 10. 1. MS Visio 2010 is not compatible and while editing the flow, the error is displayed "". 2. While running the tracer error is encountered "Connection ID is empty. Please restart Tracer".
The plan to migrate to latest version is not yet approved by the management. We need work around to support the application till the migration is completed (2021 end or mid 2022).
Is there any Active X needs to be installed in Win 10 to use MS office 2013/2016 ? Also since the support for IE will be over soon, is there any way to access Designer studio in Microsoft Edge ?