
Tokyo Century Corporation
Tokyo Century Corporation
Tokyo Century Corporation
Posted: Nov 20, 2024
Last activity: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Last activity: 24 Feb 2025 3:10 EST
Pega Platform upgrading(8.7.6 to 24.2.0)
I'm trying to upgrade Pega 8.7.6 deployed on EKS to 24.2.0. I am modifying the chart and deploying it according to the URL below, but Pre-upgrade fails with an authentication error. I'm creating an OperatorID that RestAPI can run on and specifying that user, but it fails. The OperaterID(TestUser) belongs to the PRPC:Adimistrators group. Are there any areas that need to be modified other than those specified by the user?
Error: [pega:propertyfilegenerator]***** [pega:propertyfilegenerator] [pega:propertyfilegenerator] _callService: [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.home=/usr/share/pegauser [java] ERROR StatusLogger Log4j2 could not find a logging implementation. Please add log4j-core to the classpath.
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I'm trying to upgrade Pega 8.7.6 deployed on EKS to 24.2.0. I am modifying the chart and deploying it according to the URL below, but Pre-upgrade fails with an authentication error. I'm creating an OperatorID that RestAPI can run on and specifying that user, but it fails. The OperaterID(TestUser) belongs to the PRPC:Adimistrators group. Are there any areas that need to be modified other than those specified by the user?
Error: [pega:propertyfilegenerator]***** [pega:propertyfilegenerator] [pega:propertyfilegenerator] _callService: [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.home=/usr/share/pegauser [java] ERROR StatusLogger Log4j2 could not find a logging implementation. Please add log4j-core to the classpath. Using SimpleLogger to log to the console... [java] [java] FAILED JOBS [java] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [java] [java] System Name : DefaultSystem [java] Job ID : [java] Status : [java] Error Message : HTTP/1.1 401 [java] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [java] ERROR RestResponse DefaultSystem: Error while executing request 1 using URL http://pega-web:80/prweb/PRRestService/SystemManagement/v2/UpdateDynamicSystemSettings HTTP/1.1 401
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