
ING Bank N.V.
ING Bank N.V.
ING Bank N.V.
Posted: Dec 15, 2023
Last activity: Jun 10, 2024
Last activity: 10 Jun 2024 13:41 EDT
Pega Platform fails to authenticate to Kafka cluster using mTLS
Hi, We are working on externalizing Kafka and we are facing a problem with the authentication, even though we have placed the Kafka cluster certificate in the (truststore.jks) file and updated the (keystore.jks) with a valid certificate we see the following error message:
Failed authentication with internal.kafka.domain/10.0.0.x (SSL handshake failed)
Here's a snippet of the stream service values for my environment:
enabled: true
bootstrapServer: "broker1.srv:9093, broker2.srv:9093, broker3.srv:9093, broker4.srv:9093"
securityProtocol: SSL
trustStore: "truststore.jks"
trustStorePassword: "xxxxxxx"
keyStore: "keystore.jks"
keyStorePassword: "xxxxxxx"
jaasConfig: ""
saslMechanism: PLAIN
streamNamePattern: "pega-{}"
replicationFactor: "1"
external_secret_name: ""
** It's important to mention that our cluster expects mTLS as the authentication method.
Cheers, Mina