
Labb Ltd
Last activity: 27 Jul 2022 6:40 EDT
Pega Patch Upgrades
Hi all,
Given that Pega 8.4 is launched, we are starting to think of streamlining the process of the Pega patch upgrade with our release cycle.
I understand that with patch releases, the idea is to upgrade the platform frequently to leverage all the latest features and product fixes. But to perform a risk-free upgrade, it's better if upgrade dev first at the beginning of the release cycle and as the release build code moves to each environment as a prerequisite we can upgrade each Testing/Pre prod/Prod environments so that testing would mitigate any regression issues caused with the upgrade.
But in the above process, the main limitation is when a production priority issue comes while Dev is on 8.4 but Production can be on 8.3.1. To provide a fix we will end up building jar from 8.4 and deploy it in Prod 8.3.1.
Though it technically works for bug fixes, I am not fully convinced.
Is building jars from higher version to lower version of same major release fully supported by Pega?
Is there any other risk-free approach for patching environments?
Thanks & Regards,