pega knowledge skip words
Hello I have tried to implement the skipwords in pega knowledge. But I don't understand how I can demonstrate that it is working to my client.
procedure folowed >
in pega knowledge I added pxPredictionStudio on my access group and created a ruleset to host the futur rules
in pega prediction studio > models open the kmsearch_skipwords an I created a model for french langage that I saved on the new ruleset
in pega prediction studio > I cliked on test model and enter a sentence, and several skip words are listed, so the model seems to work
in my pega knowledge application > configuration > search configuration I enable Skip words with NLP
Then I tried in content search of my pega knowledge application severals search to retrieve article with words to be skip, but it is not working.
Can you explain me where and how it is supposed to work ? *
related documentation
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree S. to add Capability tags***