Pega IAC 62sp2 gadget not rendering correcly on IE9 standardmode
We are trying to embed a Pega IAC 62sp2 gadget onto an angular JS application.The angualr JS page will render only on IE9 standard mode and won't run on QuirksMode. Based on the various article on PDN ,62Sp2 IAC gadget will render only on Quirks Mode.We are having issues with buttons and dropdowns while rendering the gadget. Please let me know if it is a technology constraint or any fixes are there to run it on IE standarad mode. SR-A19311 has been opened for this but looking for more information on this set up.
SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method '_initError'
line 1 character 324
pega_ui_harness_13276015834!!.js, line
2 character 130983
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get
property 'length' of undefined or null reference
line 2 character 4235