
Pt Anabatic Technologies Tbk
Last activity: 17 Jan 2022 3:40 EST
Pega CSR Get Unexpected Stop Monitoring
Dear All, I have a question about Pega Call, I have issue that some CSR get unexpected stop monitoring. I just wondering is there any configuration in Pega that could doing stop monitoring. Here is i attached some JTAPI log that mention it :
Dear All, I have a question about Pega Call, I have issue that some CSR get unexpected stop monitoring. I just wondering is there any configuration in Pega that could doing stop monitoring. Here is i attached some JTAPI log that mention it :
2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ GetEventThread] (sapi.tsapiInterface.TSInvokeID) INFO - Handling INVOKE ID 39017 for TSProvider[#21]@4dff60e9 2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ GetEventThread] (sapi.tsapiInterface.TSInvokeID) INFO - DONE handling INVOKE ID 39017 for TSProvider[#21]@4dff60e9 2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ default task-69] ( impl.core.TSDevice) INFO - Recreating deleted device TSDevice[28267]@ad48be5 2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ default task-69] ( impl.core.TSProviderImpl) INFO - NOTICE: devHash.put() replaced TSDevice[28267]@2b486b65 for TSProvider[#21]@4dff60e9 2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ default task-69] ( impl.core.TSDevice) INFO - TSDevice state transition: Deleted -> Active, device TSDevice[28267]@ad48be5 2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ default task-69] ( impl.core.TSDevice) INFO - Device 28267 (object= TSDevice[28267]@ad48be5) being re-added for TSProvider[#21]@4dff60e9 2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ default task-69] ( impl.core.TSDevice) INFO - stopMonitorForThisDevice: Device TSDevice[28267]@ad48be5 about to consider DevMon stop (xref=0 mcvdxref=0), for TSProvider[#21]@4dff60e9 2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ default task-69] ( impl.core.TSDevice) INFO - Device TSDevice[28267]@ad48be5 being deleted for TSProvider[#21]@4dff60e9 2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ default task-69] ( impl.core.TSDevice) INFO - stopMonitorForThisDevice: Device TSDevice[28267]@ad48be5 about to consider DevMon stop (xref=0 mcvdxref=0), for TSProvider[#21]@4dff60e9 2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ default task-69] ( impl.core.TSDevice) INFO - TSDevice state transition: Active -> BeingDeleted, device TSDevice[28267]@ad48be5 2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ default task-69] ( impl.core.TSProviderImpl) INFO - NOTICE: devHash.remove() expected, found and removed TSDevice[28267]@ad48be5 by device name(s) [28267] 2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ default task-69] ( impl.core.TSDevice) INFO - TSDevice state transition: BeingDeleted -> Deleted, device TSDevice[28267]@ad48be5 2022-01-17 14:02:53,210 [ default task-69] ( impl.core.TSAgent) INFO - Agent object=TSAgent[TSAgentKey(28267,null,73979)]@2ba9baa8being deleted for TSProvider[#21]@4dff60e9
Thanks Bachtiar