Pega Connection to External service through SAML
We are trying to create a connection from Pega to a SOAP Service. We wanted to get the user's credentials from their computer via SAML and send them to the server.
The Pega server will be connecting to the External Service and acting as the user that is logged in Pega. We are trying to get some insight into how we can make this type of connection.
We did not find any OOTB feature to support the SAML authentification. Is it somehow possible to achieve our goal to connect to this Service with SAML authenitification?
Do we need to write some custom Java code to make this happen or what is the best practice for that?
So overall, we want to check whether this sort of connection is possible via SAML over a Service call or not. Please can you provide some insights.
Please do not mistake this for SAML SSO which supported by PEGA.
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Tagged SR details***
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***