Pega Auto-optimizing Case Properties
I encountered something strange recently. In case it makes a difference, using Pega 8.4.1.
I wanted to mark a property on my Case as "transient". So I went to do that and found the "Do not save ..." checkbox was absent. Then I realized why. The property was optimized. The problem is I had not optimized the property. Pega decided to do it for *automagically*.
Then I looked carefully at my work table. I found that some that 3 of the 8 properties I had defined had been optimized. Again, I'm not suffering from memory loss. I *did not* optimize those 3 properties.
After a couple of hours I had a thought. Why *those* 3 properties only? Then it dawned on me. The 5 properties which stayed with the blob I had added to my Case and then added to my View. The 3 properties that were optimized I did not define first, but rather added when I created the View. To be clear, when I added those 3 properties to the View, Pega added them to by Case (of course it does that), *but* did so optimized and without asking me.
Can someone please confirm this behavior? This can throw someone for a loop. Optimization should be done explicitly and with reason. If Pega is going to decide when it occurs automatically, I see it as a problem.