
Common Wealth Bank of Australia
Last activity: 17 May 2016 20:38 EDT
Pega - 7.2 - Customising Delegated Data Table UI
We have more than 10 reference data tables, that has to be maintained by the users.
Hence, we are planning to delegate those tables. The default OOTB layout for data tables has delete icon for each record for any delegated data type.
But our users doesn't want to view the delete icon as the requirement states do not allow any one to delete the records from the data table.
Do we need to save all the pzRules into the local ruleset and remove the delete icon? Is this the only way?
As this looks a bit tricky - there are lots of rules to save in a local ruleset and sections are invoked dynamically based on the data type delegated.
What are the other possible ways to achieve this?
Have anyone of you had this requirement?
Note: We already suggested the option of removing delete access via Access Role for those data instances and while clicking on the delete icon, user will receive an error. But users are suggesting it is better to hide the delete icon.
Many thanks in advance for your thoughts.