Pega 6.2 upgrade to Pega 7.3.1
Hello! We are trying to layout an upgrade path for our Pega 6.2 SP2 application. In Pega 6.2 SP2, we have the standard install. In upgrading to Pega7.3.1, we would like to migrate to the multi-tenant option. Can we do that?
Most of the documentation that I have read states that you can't upgrade from a standard install to a multi-tenant install. I am assuming that is the case for a Pega 6.2 SP2 to a Pega 7.3.1 upgrade. Is that true?
If we can't upgrade Pega 6.2 SP2 to multi-tenant Pega7.3.1, how can we get to a multi-tenant solution? We can't re-write the application.