PCSSA Mission Test Answers
Is it possible to find out the Mission Test answers for PCSSA?
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Is it possible to find out the Mission Test answers for PCSSA?
Thank you.
Accepted Solution
It is not possible to find out the answers to the Mission Tests. This is intentional as you earn a badge when you complete the Mission Test. If you have worked on Pega before you can simply take the Mission Test and get the badge. If you are new to Pega then you want to complete the coursework to help you pass the Mission Test.
In order to maintain the integrity of the Mission Test, and to ensure only those who are able to understand the questions are able to pass the test and obtain the badge, the answers are not published.
It is also the reason you may not take the exam again once you pass with the passing score of 80%.
Pega Academy Self-Study Support Team
Hi Sean, thanks for your reply.
I understand, that makes sense. I had 1 question wrong in the test and after going back through my answers, I cant seem to see where it is.
Maybe my eyes are deceiving me, will have a look at my answers tomorrow :)
Thanks again.
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