Partial Screen in Attachmate emulator
Can any one tell how to read the value of a partial screen in Attachmate Emulator (Text Adapter).
Srilipta Nanda
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Can any one tell how to read the value of a partial screen in Attachmate Emulator (Text Adapter).
Srilipta Nanda
The documentation for partial screens is here:
I have the same question, can someone show how to read line-by-line? in help page there isn't much information about it.
You'd either want to get partial screens for each line or clone the lines you want to use.
I have a list of results and different information in each line, like customer number, amount, other text, etc. And I need to read each line and check if it contains some information.
I have about 15 columns and dynamically changing rows based on ID. I need to check whether data exists in a particular row or not and fetch few specific column's data from existing rows.I'm unable to loop on partial screen.
Could somebody please suggest on this.Thanks in advance.
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