
American Express
Last activity: 5 Feb 2017 0:35 EST
Parameters passed through Java script to an activity is getting truncated
We are trying to create new work using OOTB java script function pega.desktop.createNewWork(strClassName, harnessVersion, strFlowName, flowParams,contentID, dynamicContainerID,actionRequestID, skipConflictCheck);. In the flowParams we are passing few parameters which starts and ends with spaces. Those spaces are getting truncated, by the time it reach to flow specified.
Ex:-flowParams=&Callvariable= AB C ( it has 5 spaces,AB and then 4 spaces and alphabet C)
1.We have verified in tracer, in the 'Interaction Begin' we are seeing those spaces as encoded values like %20 ( CallVariable=%20%20%20%20%20AB%20%20%20%20C
2. By the time it reaches doUIAction OOTB activity, we are seeing these parameters as truncated.(Call Variable=AB C)
Please advise if there is a way we can pass variables without getting truncated at server side.
We are using Pega 7.1.7, CPM 7.1.3