
Last activity: 16 Jan 2019 1:48 EST
Pagination on Grid inside a Grid
I am having 1 grid Grid1, inside a section Section1.
Calling a section Section2 from Grid1.
Section2 is having a grid Grid2.
Pagination is applied on Grid2.
When loaded the Section1 on a portal, getting error as Harness Failed, Component stack mismatch.
This error appears only if I apply Pagination on Grid2.
Is that the default behaviour that we can not apply pagination on a grid which is inside a grid or I am the only one who is getting this error?
I have the alternative solution as Repeating Layout inside Grid1, which is working fine even if I apply pagination on Repeating Layout.
But there is a difference between pagination of repeating layout and a repeating table. That is why I want to use Repeating Table inside Repeating Table.
Pega version 7.4