
Last activity: 28 Mar 2022 4:12 EDT
Oracle DB Upgrade from 12c to 19c on pega 7.3.0
As oracle 12c support going to end by this month end, client is requested to upgrade oracle DB from 12c to 19c pega 7.3.0 application (there is no plan for pega upgrade and after 19c also it will still continue in pega 7.3.0) As per below pega upgrade link, 19c is not officially certified for pega 7.3. However there is official article (please refer below link) in collaboration center that though it's not certified, pega will support in case of 19c upgrade issues. We would like to get official confirmation on below items to proceed further and client is also waiting for response on this. 1. Can we allow to upgrade oracle DB from 12c to 19c directly for pega 7.3.0 application 2. In case of any 19c upgrade issues, pega can provide support to resolve those issues? Regards Dinesh