Operations Manager 8.5 hotfix install problem when install Deployment manager
We take our deployment manager go-live, and one of the step is install the Operations Manager, this should included in our CDH 8.5, but we not confirm if we must install all the hotfix from the link -> https://docs.pega.com/bundle/customer-decision-hub-88/page/customer-decision-hub/release-notes/operations-manager-hotfixes-85f.html mentioned, also we not found each hotfix's package download links, may I get your suggestion :
1. if can provide 1 package that include all the hotfix ? if not please provide all hotfix packages 2. after we install all hotfix packages to our CDH, how to test or check the Operations Manager is ok and not impact the deployment manager
more version information: pega system: 8.5.3 cdh: 8.5 deployment manger: 5.5.3
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