
Last activity: 2 Mar 2021 15:38 EST
Open id connect authentication in service package
I have a requirement to expose some REST API and authenticate requests via Open ID connect standard.
So every request that is sent to pega has an authorization header with a valid JWT token to be authorized by an identity provider (Oracle IDCS)
I was under the impression that i could configure an authentication service of type Open ID connect and set it in the authentication field of the service package by selecting Authentication type Custom.
While this operation is allowed by pega it doesn't work. Looking at the service package section with live ui i noticed that the autocomplete for the authentication service is fed by data page D_pzGetAuthServicesSupportedForServices that allows only for authentication service of type Custom.
This lead me to believe that an Oracle IDCS authentication service can't be used in a service package. If so is there an out of the box solution that i can use to authenticate requests to my API? Or do i have to code everything from scratch event if open id connect is already supported by PEGA for SSO?
Documentation seems to be lacking on this aspect sadly