
Standard Chartered Bank
Last activity: 16 Jun 2023 6:02 EDT
OIDC Connect - Access token endpoint invocation failed - Passing mTLS cert jks keystore for access token call
Trying to implement openID connect authentication service. Getting following error.
Unable to execute OIDC flow : Access token endpoint invocation failed : {ErrorMessage=Response status : 400 Bad Request, statuscode=400} Identity provider except the access token call with the following details. Cert details along with others.
POST Request: "X-Cert:xxx=" --data "client_id= AppClientid " –data grant_type=authorization_code&code=AuthCodeGotIn1stCall&redirect_uri= https://sampleapp:321/prweb/PRAuth " https://sampleapp:321/prweb/PRAuth/sso/access_token
Pega application & Identity provider service agreement mutually identified with use of pega application TLS certificate passing along with the access token call. There is no clientid and client secret provided by identity provider.
Pega application mTLS cert file with .crt shared to identify provider. The same converted as jks keystore and pointed under secure portal configuration in advance configuration in openID authentication service.
Logs: StateParam Validation is successful
Fetching access token using authCode received
Exception is thrown for OIDC flow Access token endpoint invocation failed : {ErrorMessage=Response status : 400 Bad Request, statuscode=400}
Any thoughts on this?