Sopra Steria Group
Sopra Steria Group
Sopra Steria Group
Posted: Sep 29, 2022
Last activity: Sep 29, 2022
Last activity: 29 Sep 2022 5:46 EDT
OAuth 2.0 with Docusign Integration
- We have migrated our application from Pega7.3 to 8.6 .
- While working with Pega7.3 , we were using Docusign integration .
- DocuSign announced the discontinuation of legacy API authentication methods other than OAuth 2.0 flows :
- Our Objective is to use Oauth2.0 while integrating with Docusign .
- In general this is been configured in Connect-Rest Rule , for example : pxSendNewEnvelope this connect-rest is final and X-DocuSign-Authentication header is also depreciated
I would like to know does anybody configured Docusign with OAuth2.0 with existing implementation of 7.X version ?
As following version seems applicable to 8.x version :
***Edited by Moderator: Pooja Gadige to add capability tag***
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