Last activity: 18 Nov 2018 23:33 EST
Not able to login using credentials given in exercise system.its showing error
Exercise: What is in theBoxScenarioAs a Strategy Designer we are going to explore the Next-Best-Action decision strategy structure of our application and modify the strategy to display all available offers instead of the top-3. Role: Strategy Designer User Name: StrategyDesigner@WhatIsInTheBox Password: rules
the above credentials when used, are throwing error, please help to proceed |
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Pegasystems Inc.
Before signing on as Strategy Designer please make sure you completed the previous step, setting up the environment as Administrator.
Marco - I have this same issue, and I have successfully completed the previous exercise of setting up the environment as an administrator. I first attempted this yesterday, using the Cloud Instance of the exercise system. When that didn't work, I downloaded the virtual environment and repeated all the setup steps, and got the same result. Since the StrategyDesigner@WhatIsInTheBox operator ID login failed, I logged in as administrator again and looked for this operator ID, and it did not exist. The only active "Strategy" related operators I found were StrategyDesigner@DecisionStrategyExecution and StrategyDesigner@dmorg. I could log in with those operator IDs, but I could not complete the exercise.
Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for reaching out.
Before doing step two of the exercise, please make sure you first complete step one; "Environment Setup".
Marco - The very first line of my previous reply states: "I have successfully completed the previous exercise of setting up the environment as an administrator."
Pegasystems Inc.
Please be aware, every Practicing what you learned lesson comes with an Environment Setup step. As part of this step the exercise system is configured for you so you can do the actual exercise. Like the operator you need to sign on to the system.
I don't understand where the miscommunication is here. I have repeatedly stated that I completed the environment setup step. Specifically I did these exact steps (below, as copied from the course material), and all completed without any errors being reported, yet I am still unable to login as StrategyDesigner@WhatIsInTheBox, nor can I find that OperatorID in the exercise system. Are you referring to a different environment setup step?
Exercise: Environment Setup
This exercise is to set-up the exercise system for the follow up exercises belonging to this lesson. You are asked to import a file containing the prerequisites.
Role: System Architect
User Name: [email protected]
Password: install
Your assignment
1. Download
2. Import the file into the exercise system.
I don't understand where the miscommunication is here. I have repeatedly stated that I completed the environment setup step. Specifically I did these exact steps (below, as copied from the course material), and all completed without any errors being reported, yet I am still unable to login as StrategyDesigner@WhatIsInTheBox, nor can I find that OperatorID in the exercise system. Are you referring to a different environment setup step?
Exercise: Environment Setup
This exercise is to set-up the exercise system for the follow up exercises belonging to this lesson. You are asked to import a file containing the prerequisites.
Role: System Architect
User Name: [email protected]
Password: install
Your assignment
1. Download
2. Import the file into the exercise system.
Detailed steps
Follow the steps below to complete your assignment.
1. Download
2. Import the file into the exercise system.
a. Login as the system architect.
b. Go to ->->.
c. Select the imported file and click until completion. Keep all the default settings as is.
d. When the import completes, click .
Pegasystems Inc.
It seems there is a miscommunication because you believe you imported and when I log into your cloud-based exercise system it turns out not to be the case, hence the operator is not available.
Pegasystems Inc.
If you are still experiencing issues, contact me/us on lync and we can do it together in a remote screen sharing session.
Miki Muzsi
I was stuck on this for a few days. My browser was automatically unzipping the file , which I didn't realise so I couldn't import the actual file,. Instead I was incorrectly importing an item from the file. Thanks Marco