
Standard Charted
Last activity: 20 Jun 2019 4:45 EDT
Not Able to Delete Row in Table Layout using customized activity.
We are trying to delete a row from table layout - On which, backward calculation of three properties should be done.
For Instance, We have a Table layout having three different properties with Delete and Check box Enabled at the end of each row. On selection of Check box, we need t calculate three other properties and on unselecting the calculation should become null if it is one row otherwise if there are multiple rows the calculation should be changed based on the checkbiox unselected at the end of each row -- This is going well.
Now we are trying to make the same backward calculation once User deletes the row, For this in an activity where we are referring in Delete button - configured like to remove and autocalcuation, the row is getting deleted from the Clipboard page but still visable in UI.
Pls share any ideas to overcome this.
Surya Y V
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****