
incessant technologies
Last activity: 3 Dec 2019 0:02 EST
Node is down
Hi Team,
We configured 3 nodes on which 5 Agents are running.But some times we get an issue that the node is not getting picked.We can see that the agents are running on that node but they are not getting picked
So can you please help to resolve the issue
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Pegasystems Inc.
I don't fully understand the issue.
1. Is the node running?
2. What is meant by "the node is not getting picked"?

incessant technologies
Hi Carissa,
The 3 nodes and 5 agents on that node are running.We configured Connect-Rest to send policy details to external system through agents.But the details are not sent to external system from one node,while the details are send through other node.This issue is not with agents and service as it is working fine in other node.
Can you please help us to find out where can be the issue

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Asma,
Please verify pr_sys_statunodes table, Pega nodes are registered into the table pr_sys_statusnodes at startup time, This table holds information such as the node IP address, node name, etc.
When a node joins the cluster, a list of cluster-member candidates is loaded from the pr_sys_statusnodes table. The node, then, tries to establish a connection with the candidates to form a cluster. Please verify status of each node, it should be either running or stopped.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Asma,
Which version of Pega you are using?
If you are using Pega v7.3.1 and above, there is a concept of node type.
If you have defined node types for different nodes and the agent is supposed to be running on some specific node type(for example webuser or background processing), then it will not be running in the rest of the nodes (having different node type).
Could you please attach the complete agent configuration.
Also attach the screen-shot of the cluster information of your environment from Designer Studio.

incessant technologies
Hi Abhinav,
My pega version is 7.3.1
Agents are configured as below:
There are 3 nodes and 5 agents which are configured as "RunonAllNodes" node type.These 5 agents will be running on all nodes.Also there are other 3 agents which are configured as "BackGround" Processing.
Cluster Information is as below:
2 nodes are configured with node type as "Webuser" and 1 node as "Backgroundprocessing"
But the issue is not constant.It is intermediate.When I save the agent rule again in higher ruleset version eveything works fine.
I am not sure whether I can provide any screen shots as per business needs

Pegasystems Inc.
The 3 agents which are configured to run on backgroundprocessing node will be running only on background node.
For the rest 5 agents which are configured to run on all nodes, do you have Run this agent on only one node at a time checkbox checked?

incessant technologies
Hi ,
The checkbox is not checked.All 5 agents will run on all nodes.Also the locking is handled by using parameters.

incessant technologies
Hi Vikas,
Did you find any issues in our node configuration,so that this issue has occured

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Asma,
When the agent doesn't run on a particular node do you see either the last runtime or next run time of the agent empty in that node?

incessant technologies
All agents are running fine.There is no empty field in time

Pegasystems Inc.
Did you check the Pega-RULES logs for any agent failure message when the agents didnt run on a particular node?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Asma,
Please verify pr_sys_statusnodes table & let me know the status of each node.If any node is in stop status then we need to analyse logs of that node.There will be some error in logs.

incessant technologies
Hi Abhinav,
I don't have access to DB to check this table.Please let me know any other option from where I can check this

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Asma,
You can ask your DB team to get the required details. You can use OOTB query runner also.

incessant technologies
Hi Abhinav,
But now all nodes are working fine when the agent is saved to higher ruleset version.So all nodes will be in running state.
How can use this OOTB query runner.Please provide complete steps

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Asma,
Please follow below steps to configure query runner.
1.You need to have PegaRULES:PRPCDatabaseAdministrators role to run the query from the query runner landing page.If you do not have the role you can add the role by opening your current accessgroup.
2.Click on DesignerStudio --> System --> Database --> QueryRunner to navigate to Query Runner landing page
Hi Asma,
Please follow below steps to configure query runner.
1.You need to have PegaRULES:PRPCDatabaseAdministrators role to run the query from the query runner landing page.If you do not have the role you can add the role by opening your current accessgroup.
2.Click on DesignerStudio --> System --> Database --> QueryRunner to navigate to Query Runner landing page
In case you are on Pega 8 click on Configure -- > System --> Database --> Query Runner
3. Select the database which you want to query upon from the dropdown.
4. Write the query which you wanted to run. (Note- The query should contain fully qualified name of the table).
5.Click on run button.

Incase you do not have access to DB, you can do any of the following to look at the contents of the table.
1. Create a simple activity with Obj-Browse on class "System-Status-Nodes". This will bring all the entries present in the table.
2. In App Explorer, navigate to class "System-Status-Nodes" and look at all the instances present.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Asma,
The Query Runner is available for Pega Cloud customers who use a Postgres database or for customers using an Oracle database on-premises or in the Pega Cloud.
So if you are not on Pega-Cloud using Postgre or you are not using Oracle DB then query runner will not work for you.