New context values from Interaction.xml not recognized during debugging
I'm trying to add some custom context values into my interaction.xml in order for them to show up on my AgileDesktop. Right now I'm able to have the values show up on the AgileDesktop and as valid properties in my Interaction Manager object; however, when I try to debug, I get an error saying the property can't be recognized. I already tried Build>Clean and restarting my solution. This error also happens when I remove existing context values from the interaction.xml. If I used those context properties at any point in the past (and have since deleted them from my solution), OpenSpan will try to look for them and give me error warnings about missing objects. I've made changes to the interaction.xml before and the changes applied just fine. Not sure if this is a caching issue or I'm just missing something.
See error message. I get this after I've added the properties to the Context section in the xml and incorporated them into my InteractionManager property block.
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