
Legato Health Technologies
Last activity: 4 Jan 2024 3:53 EST
Need to go back to previous screen in harness using Replace Current
We have a functionality where from left navigation, we launch a harness (named Harness1) in the main action area. Within this harness we have one more button to launch harness using replace current as the target (named Harness2). Now if a user clicks on a button named cancel in Harness2, they should go back to Harness1. Thought Cancel action may work and tried with Cancel action by setting transition to None first then Move backward but it completely kills the thread and moves the user back to the main dashboard or the OpenPortal thread. So, is there a way with any OOTB action set to achieve this functionality of moving back to Harness1 from Harness2? OR the only option is to again configure a launch harness on click of cancel button in Harness2 to relaunch Harness1 with replace current as the target?