Need to capture start and end indexes of records in a particular page of Grid(having pagination)
Hi Everyone
I am trying to find the Start and end indexes of records which are in a particular page of grid(ex: A Paginated Grid is having 100 records 10 pages each so if user is on 2nd page(which is showing records 11 to 20))
In the above example I need to capture and store the values of 11 and 20
I have traced the the OOTB code by clicking the next page icon of Grid, every rule is a final rule over there but I have found one Available rule called "pyPostGridUpdate(Code-Pega-List)". At the time of execution of this rule unnamed page is having the start and end indexes but to capture these values in to some temporary page I did save as pyPostGridUpdate(Code-Pega-List) rule in to my application ruleset.
But it is throwing some unSupportdeRuleset error at runtime on tracer
Is there any other way to capture start and end indexes of records in a particular page? Or how to make it work the above rule which I am trying to save as to my Ruleset?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***