Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 13 Apr 2020 22:12 EDT
Multiteam Development Get Latest rulesets not listing rulesets from repository
Team A application built on Team B application. Team B enhancing the application and the branch published to pega repository. Now Team A application clicking on Get Latest Ruleset versions. Ruleset versions are not listing from Repository.
After publishing the branch to repository new ruleset version not creating in Team B application and it's not available in pega repository.
Can anyone please provide the steps to achieve this.
Do I need to configure Pipe line and deployment manager to achieve this?
Without deployment manager, how can I achieve this requirement ?
How to configure System of Record?
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Coforge DPA
Steps for Team A: 1. Save as the “pyCanRebase” when rule into application ruleset and set the value as “True” 2. Update “Modify” and “Delete” access level setting of “Data-Repository” ARO to 5 3. Create a repository "R1". 4. Update the Host ID to Team B App server host ID like http://**.**.**.***:9080/prweb/PRRestService 5. Create an Authentication Profile and add it to the repository created. 6. Add user as “Auth” and password as “rules” in the authentication profile. Select “Preemptive authentication” checkbox. Steps for Team B: 1. Create an operator ID with the same name as in Team A server. 2. Create a Dynamic System Setting “HostedRulesetsList” under the ruleset “Pega-ImportExport” and add the ruleset. Additional rulesets can be added using comma separation format.
These steps should work for Rebasing. Please implement the steps which you might have missed and highlight if you face any issues.
If it works initially you can update the passwords and user name as per your application standard.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Bhavya,
Thanks for replay, I already followed the above steps. My question here is Core application team published the branch to the created pega repository. After publishing branch is not merging and ruleset is not creating.
Built on application click on the Get Latest ruleset vesions and selected the core application team repository. It's showing 0 ruleset version(s) found.
Could you please suggest what steps I need to perform. After branch published to repository automatic merging and new ruleset version not created in core application and same is not available repository for other team.
Thanks in advance.
Coforge DPA
Is there an error while merging the branch?
If after clicking "Get Latest ruleset vesions" there are no versions, then there is a problem in connection. Have you done the test connectivity in the repository rule?
What repository you are using?
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Bhavya,
I am using pega repository, test connection is successfully. After merging I am getting "Branch was successfully published. CICD is not configured on the select repository."
Please find screenshots for your reference. Could you please share the document if possible you have the step by step configuration to achieve this.
Thanks in Advance.
Best Regards,
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Bhavya,
Please provide update on this .
Coforge DPA
I tried with the same configuration and it worked.
Can you try using a new RSV directly in Team B application instead of Publishing the branch? So this assumes Team B application will become your SOR.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Bhavya,
If I use RSV in Team B application
can I publish to Repository?
If possible Please share documentation . It going to be helpful.
Thanks in advance,
JPMorgan Chase & Company
Hi Madan,
After publishing Branch to Repository you need CICD Pipe line to merge into the new ruleset version. Please deploy DeploymentManager and configure pipe line click here for configuration.