
Last activity: 13 Mar 2022 17:58 EDT
Multi form REST request where the file name has special request values get converted into ? char
When upload a document using a REST connector and a multiform part request the file name within the pyRequestAttachmentPage that has special characters the values get transformed into ? characters.
I found that there is a toggle .pyFileNameExtendedChars that allows for if "Set to true for UTF-8 support in multipart attachment name header." Bur so far either I am not using the toggle correctly by setting it while building the Request attachment page or there is additional configuration neccesary. This was extracted from a stub system to see the content of the request ?????? --ydWERoAK5QtVxF3Tvdwrno7ZlQEdHcVm_yV6hD Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"éééééé\" Content-Type: multipart/form-data Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Has anyone faced this issue previously?