
PT Bank Sinarmas
Last activity: 11 Sep 2017 1:07 EDT
Minimum server requirement for installing Pega 7.1.9
Can anyone tell me the minimum server requirement for installing Pega 7.1.9 ?
Because I already install the pega 7.1.9 platform but it's always down after a few hour.
Dendi A
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Pegasystems Inc.
Refer the below link and check your requirement based on application server and database you are using.
Attaching just one of the server requirement.
Thank You.

Pegasystems Inc.
Which application server are you using based on that you can refer the platform support guide.

PT Bank Sinarmas
I'm using oracle web logic, sometime running faster, sometime running slowly and sometime can't be access, so i called is not stable.
when can't be access is happen, i just restart weblogic and then run well again.
so how the way to know what the problem is ?

Pegasystems Inc.
You can see the logs and alert file for starters to understand what is going wrong. Just verify logs once and see if frequent alerts are coming or not.
Cross check JVM parameters too with installation guide minimum requirement.
Thank You.

PT Bank Sinarmas

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Dendi,
Check below link for logs and alert files:
Thank You.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Dendi,
As you are using Web Logic server, if you deploy a war/ear, then Web Logic will place them in the $WEBLOGIC_HOME/application directory. WebLogic will then explode your ear/war into a separate wl_stage folder that will be under your managedServer directory.
So you can go into the corresponding location for your pr_web location which was undeployed to find latest PegaRULES or PEGAALERT log files.
Also you can get the log files from your Designer Studio > System > Operations > Logs
Hope this will help you to access your log files.

JPMorgan Chase & Company
Please check Pega rules is there any specific error like OutofMemory or thread dumps, before server going down.
Attach the log files, that would be helpful to trouble shoot the issue, by masking security information if you have in log files.

PT Bank Sinarmas
Hi MaheshMidthuru,
thanks for yor info, but what user name & password that must be enter when i want to download log file ?
I entered user & password same as login to pega developer studio but can't be access.
see atch picture.
Dendi A

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Dendi,
Try your weblogic username and password.
Thank You

PT Bank Sinarmas
still can't download using weblogic username and password, with error as atch.

Pegasystems Inc.
Actually when you use this way to access logs it takes you to SMA itself, so you can take below approach it should help you out
If you do not want to restrict access to the System Management Application, edit the web.xml file and
delete the <security constraint> element.
Note : Changing this setting in the web.xml file might require redeploying the PegaRULES Application.
You can follow the below link it should help you out with this.
Or you can also try approach mentioned above by Mahesh
"As you are using Web Logic server, if you deploy a war/ear, then Web Logic will place them in the $WEBLOGIC_HOME/application directory. WebLogic will then explode your ear/war into a separate wl_stage folder that will be under your managedServer directory.
So you can go into the corresponding location for your pr_web location which was undeployed to find latest PegaRULES or PEGAALERT log files"
Thank You.

Pegasystems Inc.
@Dendi, You need to use Diagnostic User which is configured in users.xml in tomcat.

PT Bank Sinarmas
Hi all,
I already see pegarules in my weblogic folder but don't understand what it's mean.
can anyone help to explain ?
Dendi A

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Dendi,
From overview it looks like as we suspected the memory is getting exhausted after some time. Please refer the attachment.
Will need to see the root cause. I will post after going through logs.
Thank You.
Bharathan T

PT Bank Sinarmas
Ok, thanks and waiting your help.
Dendi A

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Dendi,
Although the total memory has not exhausted completely, the requestor counts has increased suddenly, this is impacting the system performance. Try increasing the database connection pool size and also check the alert logs see the alert code which are getting generated when system is slowing down.
Also there are lot of error and exception, try fixing them.
Thank You.

PT Bank Sinarmas
ok, I'll try.
by the way, what software do you use to see pegarules file as your attachment image (Requestor Count.PNG)
Dendi A

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Dendi,
We are using Log viewer.
You can get it from here(
Thank You.