Migrating Legacy KM to Pega KM Platform ( PRPC 8.1)
Hi All ,
We are in PRPC 8.1 . We are planning to migrate our legacy KM articles into Pega KM . We plan to use the import wizard provided by Pega KM but we are having some challenges around images referenced within the legacy KM articles . Below are the questions . Appreciate if someone can provide guidance
1) Legacy KM has a lot of images and we need to move these images within Pega KM and change the image reference within the articles before we use the import wizard . What is the best way to do it . How do we upload the images within Pega . We would get the zip file of the images . Should we place it in App Server or load each of it as Image Content instances?
2) We do not see "Browse Server" button when we try to insert image into KM article within the rich text editor . The "Browse Server " button is available for paragraph rule . Was it intentional not to show it in KM as the images are uploaded as Image Content instances . How would the user be able to see existing images ?
3) When we upload a image using the rich text editor , we see an instance is created for the Image content but the file name is appended with a random number . What is the reason behind this .