
Knowledge Expert
Last activity: 11 Aug 2023 7:25 EDT
Merge branch service and customize merge process
I have an issue with the customization of the branch merge process because the customization doesn't work when I use the OOTB API /branches. After analysis, I see that the API /branches doesn't use the extension poitn to customize the branche merge process
My question: Do you know why the merge process through the API /branches doesn't use the extension point pyPostMergeInstance ?
- We customize the branch merge process by adding a message on a google chat (thanks to extension point pyPostMergeInstance). -> It works fine when we perform a manual branch merge.
- But in the reality, we use a pipeline to merge branch thanks to the api /branches When we use this API, the merge process doesn't use the custom rule pyPostMergeInstance.
Analysis: I check the rule behind the merge process. While the manual merge use the flow rule pzMergeInstances (with the sub flow pyPostMergeInstance), the API use the activity pzMergeInstances and I didn't find any way to custom the activity. Thanks in advance for you help,