
NTT Data
Last activity: 6 Nov 2018 20:02 EST
Menu is not getting Interrogation Control
When I interrogated Menu control is getting but later on perform click is not working , any solution is much appreciated. Attached all asp page UI and Interrogated controls and automation details as attachement. In the attached image in the echoprovider.png where you can see "Provider" is the one automation has to click/perform click. Providercontrolnotgettingcreated.png is automation. ProviderMenu.png is all the menus in the left hand side of asp where automation trying click the "provider" . After interrogation how the provider control is shown in object explorer is -providerobjectexplorer.png where provider_ is the control of "Provider" menu.
Here is the view source html code
function goSubPop(asp_name, dr_id, callclass, dbf_name, privcode) {
var _phyAddrBox = "";
if (document.getElementById('phyAddrBox')) {
_phyAddrBox = document.getElementById('phyAddrBox').value;
SetNavigateEBOTTOM2("pat_browser.asp?dr_id=" + dr_id + "&phyAddrBox=" + _phyAddrBox + "&callclass=" + callclass + "&dbf_name=" + dbf_name + "&orderby=2&EDITSCREEN=" + asp_name + "&redrawBottom=FALSE&PRIVCODE=" + privcode, "PROVIDER");
SetNavigateEBOTTOM3("3.htm", "POPULATION");
Any suggestion how to make automation get the click "Provider" menu shown echoprovider.png
Advance Thanks
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***